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Welcome to Garrett's Games and Geekiness!  

Nov 30, 2015

Shelley and I have fun with two new Essen-released games from G3

Take a Train by Violetta Kijowska and Marcin Ropka


Stinky Business by Piotr Jesionek

Fun, card-based games that work well with multiple players.

Nov 23, 2015

Shelley and I tackle two meaty middle-weight games that are either just out or on their way from Stronghold Games!

Porta Nigra by Wolfgang Kramer and Michael Kiesling (just out and #1 in the Great Designer Series)


My Village by Inka and Markus Brand (just announced that the entire Village series will be coming from...

Nov 19, 2015

Filip Murmak was kind enough to join me on the mic over the Skype airwaves post-Essen 2007 for a discussion of CGE's latest releases and what we could expect from them in the future.

Nov 17, 2015

Shelley and I get to the mics after some initial plays of Essen 2007 games, reflecting on what we're enjoying and putting on the 'get rid of' pile back in 2007.

Nov 15, 2015

Shelley and I get two new Essen releases to the table, enjoying the meaty goodness of 

Nippon by Paulo Soledade and Nuno Bizarro Sentieiro from What's Your Game


Royal Goods (or Oh My Goods!) by Alexander Pfsiter from Osterreichisches Spiele Museum (and soon from Lookout Games)

Two fantastic games that BGG.con...