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Welcome to Garrett's Games and Geekiness!  

Sep 30, 2018

Shelley and I have a wonderful time making bus routes, then a less than wonderful time sailing down part of the Mississippi, and end with a reflection on a great area majority under-appreciated classic.

Let's Make a Bus Route by Saashi from Saashi & Saashi

Broadhorns: Early Trade on the Mississippi by Jim Harmon...

Sep 23, 2018

A great way to end the Meeplefest episodes!: Analysis Paralysis, should BGG have an ability to rate other gamers? Denis gets in a rant or two, and then games we loathe and love.

Sep 16, 2018

Our second to last part of the conversation of the gang around the table at Meeplefest 2018. The Hunt family, Tom Lehmann, Mark Johnson, Denis, Ric, Shelley, Candy, Doug R. and the gang discuss information placed on boxes and dealing with analysis paralysis.

Sep 9, 2018

Along with the usual crew of Ric, Doug R., Shelley, and Denis, designers Tom Lehmann, Candy Weber, Simon Hunt, John Shulters and Sarah Graybill join the gang at the table as the conversation turns to where and when we play, thoughts about design and analysis of the choices designers make.


Quacksalber von...

Sep 2, 2018

Japanese games, origin stories of newbies around the's all here for Night 2 of Meeplefest, Part 1.

Let's Make A Bus Route

Metro X

Ticket to Ride

Settlers of Catan

