Feb 10, 2020
Shelley and I celebrate her birthday early with some smaller and shorter games, along with some discussion of games she's been playing with her students in class:
Qwixx on Board by Steffen Benndorf & Reinhard Staupe from NSV
Anubixx by Steffen Benndorf, Florian Ortlepp and Helmut Ortlepp from NSV
Te oder Kaffee by Heike Risthaus and Stefan Risthaus from Ostia Spiele
Glisse Glace by Corentin Lebrat, Ludovic Maublanc and Theo Riviere from Djeco
Tulum by Harmut Kommerell from Djeco
Potomac by Geoffroy Simon from Djeco
Twisty by Faouzi Boughida from Djeco
Chop Chop by Alexandre Droit from Djeco