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Welcome to Garrett's Games and Geekiness!  

Jan 30, 2017

Shelley and I try out 2 family-style games that will still appeal to the gamers listening:

What's Up by Dennis Kirps and Jean-Claude Pellin from Strawberry Studio


Santorini by Gordon Hamilton from Roxley Games

Jan 23, 2017

Shelley and I cover three games that just didn't wow us.

Waldgärtner by Claas Fischer from Edition Essentia

Inis by Christian Martinez from Matagot

Dokmus by Mikko Punakallio from Lautapelit

Jan 15, 2017

Shelley and I check out 2 of R&R Games' Essen 2017 releases this week. A heavier Euro called

Ulm by Günter Burkhardt

and a lighter more luck-based title

Touria by Inka and Markus Brand, and Michael Rieneck

Jan 8, 2017

Shelley and I took advantage of a Queen Games sale on Amazon to pick up some of their newer titles to check out.  This episode we try TWO of them with mixed results.

World Monuments by Piero Cioni


Glüx by Jakob Andrusch


Jan 1, 2017

Shelley and I try out two games back in August for your consideration:

Sifaka - a first release from Azao Games and designed by Christian Kruchten and Jean-Claude Pellin where you are lemurs searching for mangoes on a grid you build over the course of the game.


Tumult Royal(e) - from KOSMOS and designed Klaus and...