Jun 29, 2015
Shelley and I discuss our plays of two new-ish card games that are very different, but quite enjoyable. Easy games to stick in the bag and bring with you as you go on your summer excursions.
Quanto/Sloop by Mike Fitzgerald from Amigo/US Games Systems
Dungeon of Mandom/Welcome to the Dungeon by Masato Uesugi...
Jun 29, 2015
Friends Michelle, Earl, and Greg join in for a discussion with Shelley and me about games played at a Games Day we held at our place. Games mentioned:
Null und Nichtig
Catan: Struggle for Rome
Lost Cities
Jun 21, 2015
Shel and I pull The Village by Inka and Markus Brand off the shelf to play the 'vanilla' version as well as its latest expansion - The Port, then try out a new Ravensburger card game called Stichling by Ralf zur Linde.
The Village by Inka and Markus Brand from Pegasus/Tasty Minstrel/eggertspiele
The Village...
Jun 20, 2015
Shelley's birthday 8 years ago was also a recording day, so this is a SHORT solo episode during which I wander into the Game Room, talk about storing games, discuss hosting a Game Night at our house, and then talk about two games we had played the previous evening:
Ticket to Ride Märklin by Alan Moon from Days of...
Jun 20, 2015
Shelley and I sit down to discuss a classic from Kramer and Ulrich, as well as a less important Reiner Knizia title.
El Grande from Rio Grande, designed by Kramer and Ulrich
Tal der Abenteuer from Parker, designed by Knizia