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Welcome to Garrett's Games and Geekiness!  

Apr 29, 2020

Shelley and I paint and sell our Impressionistic art to buyers in 

Montmartre by Florian Sirieix from Blam!

and then put on post-modern circus performances in 

The Magnificent by Eilif Svensson and Kristian A. Ostby from Aporta Games

Apr 27, 2020

Shelley and I work against the clock and try to save a patient in

Doctor! Doctor! by Robert Couch from Indie Boards and Cards

and then try our hands at building our own Medieval villages in

Era: Medieval Age by Matt Leacock from eggertspiele

Apr 20, 2020

Shelley and I get yet another roll and write to the table

Dizzle by Ralf zur Linde from Stronghold Games and Schmidt Spiele

and then get out a BIG box for some card crafting and way too much luck in

Edge of Darkness by John D. Clair from AEG

Apr 12, 2020

Shelley and I trek through some beautiful National Parks in

PARKS by Henry Audubon from Keymaster Games

then have fun building an Italian city while also getting resources from its countryside in

Ragusa by Fabio Lopiano from Capstone and Braincrack Games

Apr 5, 2020

Shelley and I take on an award-winning party game, along with two "write on your player board" titles:

Bloom by Wouter van Strien from Gamewright involves rolling & writing

Welcome To... and its expansions by Benoit Turpin from Blue Cocker Games involves drawing and drawing


Just One by Ludovic Roudy and Bruno...