Feb 24, 2019
Shelley and I take on 2 titles that start with F, but vary markedly in their play and fun value!
Fuji by Wolfgang Warsch from Feuerland Spiele had us running (unsuccessfully) from Fuji's volcanic eruption...and not enjoying the experience.
Futuropia by Friedemann Friese from Stronghold Games has us working to create...
Feb 18, 2019
This week Shelley and I enjoy some sand castle building from Stronghold Games, then have a bit less fun (possibly due to playing it 2-player) trying to win the favor of the Emperor.
Fine Sand by Friedemann Friese from Stronghold Games
Gugong by Andreas Steding from Game Brewer
Feb 11, 2019
Shelley and I become competing gods as we build separate worlds with worshippers in pyramids for
Orbis by Tim Armstrong from Space Cowboys
5x5 City by Hisashi Hayashi from Okazu Brand
Feb 4, 2019
Shelley and I start off with lighter fare as we draft, then place polyominoes in
Polyssimo Challenge by Alain Brobecker from Djeco
and then try to win favor and protect our interests in Portugal in
Coimbra by Flaminia Brasini and Virginio Gigli