Nov 26, 2017
Shelley and I get a chance to delve into one of the buzzy-est games of Essen (Thanks Alan How!!!) and the new 2-player version of a modern classic
Biosphere from DDD Verlag and designed by Christoph Bauer, Max Kleinschroth, Philipp Rösch, and Tilman Schneider
Codenames Duet from CGE and designed by Vlaada Chvátil...
Nov 19, 2017
Shelley and I get two of the top lighter to middle-weight games of Essen to the table.
Azul by Michael Kiesling from Plan B Games
Majesty: For The Realm by Marc Andre from Hans-im-Gluck and Z-Man Games
Nov 12, 2017
Shelley and I make it back form Essen and get a couple of 2-player-only titles to the table for our first post-Essen recording session. They are
Cousins' War by David J. Mortimer from Surprised Stare Games
Zooloretto Duell by Michael Schacht from Abacusspiele
Nov 5, 2017
While hanging out in the BGG booth before the fair opened and then wandering the halls running into friends, I turned on the recorder to get some opinions about games seen and new stuff coming out.
BGGers = Chad, John, and Beth
Dale Yu from Opinionated Gamers
Bryan from Bezier Games
Ted Alspach from Bezier...