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Welcome to Garrett's Games and Geekiness!  

Feb 26, 2023

This week Shelley and I head to The Desert Planet Arrakis to get in some plays of 

Dune: Imperium by Paul Dennen from Direwolf and Legendary

with its expansion

Rise of Ix and Immortality

then we check out another design from two designers we talked about last week

The Guild of Merchant Explorers by Matthew Dunstan and...

Feb 19, 2023

Shelley and I once again get a small box and big box to the table this week, but both of these were pretty hefty brainpower-wise.

We start with by laying train track cards into a 3x4 grid to complete lines and score points from trip cards in

Village Rails by Matthew Dunstand and Brett J. Gilbert from Osprey Games


Feb 12, 2023

This week Shelley and I go through some of our disappointments in gaming from 2022, organizing those comments into categories. Remember you can sponsor the podcast by going to or check out our list of games available for purchase at reasonable prices...

Feb 5, 2023

Shelley and I peruse our list of played games in 2022 and separately choose which ones belong in our personal Top 10 Lists for 2022. We did NOT peek before we sat down to record!

Doug's Honorable Mentions:


Yokohama Roll & Write by Hisashi Hayashi from Okazu Brand

Dandelions by Takashi Sakaue from...