Apr 30, 2017
Shelley and I take a gander at another Queen deal from Amazon, as well as a solid new card game from one of our favorite designers.
Liguria by Alessandro Zucchini from Queen Games
Das Vermächtnis des Maharaja by Michael Schacht from Abacusspiele
Apr 23, 2017
Shelley and I check out a game on wine making, then see how well the first Mystic Vale expansion works, especially given Shel's love of the original.
Vignobles by Fabrice Arcas and Guillaume Peccoz from Ludocom
Mystic Vale: Vale of Magic by John D. Clair from AEG
Apr 16, 2017
Shelley and I try out two games that it turns out she didn't like at all.
Freaky by Leo Colovini from Amigo
Da Yunhe Der Grosse Kaisercanal by Bjoern Mueller-Maetzig from Müller-Mätzig Spiele
Apr 9, 2017
Tony Boydell joins me for the third April in a row to discuss some of the games we've played since Essen, as well as reflecting on the publication of his latest, Guilds of London.
Games discussed:
Round House from EmperorS4
Adrenaline from CGE
Scythe from Stonemaier
Terraforming Mars from Stronghold Games
Mondrian The...
Apr 2, 2017
Shelley and I tackle the fantastic BIG game from Stronghold, and then a mini game from OSTIA Spiele:
Terraforming Mars by Jacob Fryxelius from Stronghold Games
Visby by Stefan Risthaus from OSTIA Spiele