Aug 26, 2018
Matt Leacock joins the table as we continue our discussion of games we've been enjoying (or not), along with comments on the SdJ and KedJ winners and nominees. Some of the new Roll and Write (or Draw and Draw) games also get a mention.
Pandemic Legacy Season 2
Forbidden Sky
The Mind
Quacksalber von...
Aug 20, 2018
The gang is once again around the table at Meeplefest for the first of multiple conversations about the games we play and the hobby we love. This week we focus on some of the fun titles we've been playing, as well as talking about Kickstarter (a perennial topic). Join Ric, Joe, Doug R., Candy, Denis and Shelley for...
Aug 12, 2018
Shelley and I try to enjoy the luck-fest dice re-working of Istanbul, then work our farms a la Agricola in a cousin of that now venerable title (that's Uwe Rosenberg Approved!)
Istanbul The Dice Game by Rudiger Dorn from AEG
Lowlands by Claudia and Ralf Partenheimer from Z-Man Games
Aug 6, 2018
Shelley and I go lighter this week, having some fun exploring the streets of the lower half of Manhattan in
Ticket to Ride New York by Alan Moon from Days of Wonder
Splendor: Cities of Splendor by Marc Andre from Space Cowboys